lnt.testing – Test Data Creation

Utilities for working with the LNT test format.

Clients can easily generate LNT test format data by creating Report objects for the runs they wish to submit, and using Report.render to convert them to JSON data suitable for submitting to the server.

class lnt.testing.Report(machine, run, tests)

Information on a single testing run.

In the LNT test model, every test run should define exactly one machine and run, and any number of test samples.


Add extra samples to this report, and update the end time.

class lnt.testing.Machine(name, info={})

Information on the machine the test was run on.

The info dictionary can be used to describe additional information about the machine, for example the hardware resources or the operating environment.

Machines entries in the database are uniqued by their name and the entire contents of the info dictionary.

class lnt.testing.Run(start_time, end_time, info={})

Information on the particular test run.

The start and end time should always be supplied with the run. Currently, the server uses these to order runs. In the future we will support additional ways to order runs (for example, by a source revision).

As with Machine, the info dictionary can be used to describe additional information on the run. This dictionary should be used to describe information on the software-under-test that is constant across the test run, for example the revision number being tested. It can also be used to describe information about the current state which could be useful in analysis, for example the current machine load.

class lnt.testing.TestSamples(name, data, info={}, conv_f=<type 'float'>)

Test sample data.

The test sample data defines both the tests that were run and their values. The server automatically creates test database objects whenever a new test name is seen.

Test names are intended to be a persistent, recognizable identifier for what is being executed. Currently, most formats use some form of dotted notation for the test name, and this may become enshrined in the format in the future. In general, the test names should be independent of the software-under-test and refer to some known quantity, for example the software under test. For example, ‘CINT2006.403_gcc’ is a meaningful test name.

The test info dictionary is intended to hold information on the particular permutation of the test that was run. This might include variables specific to the software-under-test . This could include, for example, the compile flags the test was built with, or the runtime parameters that were used. As a general rule, if two test samples are meaningfully and directly comparable, then the should have the same test name but different info paramaters.

The report may include an arbitrary number of samples for each test for situations where the same test is run multiple times to gather statistical data.