Accessing Data outside of LNT: REST API

LNT provides REST APIs to access data stored in the LNT database.


The API endpoints live under the top level api path, and have the same database and test-suite layout. For example:
Maps to:

The machines endpoint allows access to all the machines, and properties and runs collected for them. The runs endpoint will fetch run and sample data. The samples endpoint allows for the bulk export of samples from a number of runs at once.

Endpoint Description
/machines/ List all the machines in this testsuite.
/machines/id Get all the runs info and machine fields for machine id.
/runs/id Get all the run info and sample data for one run id.
/orders/id Get all order info for Order id.
/samples?runid=1&runid=2 Retrieve all the sample data for a list of run ids. Run IDs should be pass as args. Will return sample data in the samples section, as a list of dicts, with a key for each metric type. Empty samples are not sent.
/samples/id Get all non-empty sample info for Sample id.
/schema Return test suite schema.

Write Operations

The machines, orders and runs endpoints also support the DELETE http method. The user must include a http header called “AuthToken” which has the API auth token set in the LNT instance configuration.

The API Auth token can be set by adding api_auth_token to the instances lnt.cfg config file:

# API Auth Token
api_auth_token = "SomeSecret"


curl --request DELETE --header "AuthToken: SomeSecret" http://localhost:8000/api/db_default/v4/nts/runs/1